Adam Grabowski


Faculty of Computer Science
University of Bialystok
Konstantego Ciolkowskiego 1M, 15-245 Bialystok

e-mail: adam AT
phone (office): +48 85 738 8306


2005 PhD in Mathematics, Silesian University, Katowice
Thesis: On the structure connected with substitutions.

2005 PhD in Computer Science, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan

1996 Master of Mathematics, Warsaw University, Bialystok Branch
Thesis: Inverse limits of many sorted algebras. Examples of category structures.

Academic employment

1994 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Warsaw University, Bialystok Branch.

1997 - ... Assistant Professor, University of Bialystok.

Membership in academic societies

Association of Mizar Users

Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science

Polish Information Society, Bialystok Chapter


Research interests

computer oriented formalization of mathematics, rough and fuzzy sets, lattice theory, mathematical logic, category theory, theory of many sorted algebras.

Conferences, research visits (list under construction)

See the more complete and up-to-date list.

Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan (January - March 1997), as scientific researcher.

TYPES 2003
TYPES 2002
IJCAR 2001
MKM 2001
Karpacz 2000
Torun 1998

Grants (list under construction)


Publications (pretty old list)

My publications at DBLP are more recent.

Or see the list of publications of Adam Grabowski at my department home page.

  1. Lattice of substitutions, Reports on Mathematical Logic, 33 (1999), pp. 99--109.
  2. Robbins algebras vs. Boolean algebras, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management, RISC Linz, 2001, available online.
  3. On the lattice connected with substitutions, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 2466, Logika t. 22, 2002, pp. 37--44.
  4. Algebry Robbinsa a algebry Boole'a, Zeszyty Naukowe Wydzialu Informatyki Politechniki Bialostockiej, 2003 (in Polish).
  5. Sequences in ${\cal E}^{N}_{\rm T}$ (with A. Sakowicz, J. Gryko), Formalized Mathematics, 5(1), 1996, pp. 93--96.
  6. The correspondence between homomorphisms of universal algebra and many sorted algebra, Formalized Mathematics, 5(2), 1996, pp. 211--214.
  7. On the category of posets, Formalized Mathematics, 5(4), 1996, 501--505.
  8. Inverse limits of many sorted algebras, Formalized Mathematics, 6(1), 1997, pp. 5--8.
  9. Examples of category structures, Formalized Mathematics, 6(1), 1997, pp. 17--20.
  10. Boolean posets, posets under inclusion and products of relational structures (with R. Milewski), Formalized Mathematics, 6(1), 1997, pp. 117--122.
  11. Auxiliary and approximating relations, Formalized Mathematics, 6(2), 1997, pp. 179--188.
  12. Subsequences of standard special circular sequences in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ (with Y. Nakamura, R. Matuszewski), Formalized Mathematics, 6(3), 1997, 351--358.
  13. Lattice of substitutions, Formalized Mathematics, 6(3), 1997, 359--361.
  14. Introduction to the homotopy theory, Formalized Mathematics, 6(4), 1997, 449--454.
  15. Some properties of real maps, Formalized Mathematics, 6(4), 1997, 455--459.
  16. The ordering of points on a curve. Part I, Formalized Mathematics, 6(4), 1997, 461--465.
  17. The ordering of points on a curve. Part II, Formalized Mathematics, 6(4), 1997, 467--473.
  18. Scott-continuous functions, Formalized Mathematics, 7(1), 1998, 13--18.
  19. Bounding boxes for special sequences in $\calE^2$, Formalized Mathematics, 7(1), 1998, 115--121.
  20. Lattice of Substitutions Is a Heyting Algebra, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 10, 1998.
  21. Properties of the Product of Compact Topological Spaces, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 11, 1999.
  22. Hilbert Positive Propositional Calculus, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 11, 1999.
  23. Scott-Continuous Functions, Part II, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 11, 1999.
  24. The Incompleteness of the Lattice of Substitutions, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 12, 2000.
  25. Some Properties of Cells and Gauges, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 12, 2000.
  26. Robbins Algebras vs. Boolean Algebras, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 13, 2001.
  27. On the decompositions of intervals and simple closed curves, Formalized Mathematics, 10(3), 2002, 145--151.
  28. On the Hausdorff distance between compact subsets, Formalized Mathematics, 11(2), 2003, 153--157.
  29. On the subcontinua of a real line, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 15, 2003.
  30. On the Kuratowski closure-complement problem (with L. Baginska), Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 15, 2003.
  31. On the two short axiomatizations of ortholattices (with W. Truszkowska), Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 15, 2003.
  32. On the Kuratowski limit operators, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, Vol. 15, 2003.

February 21, 2016 ---