University of Bia³ystok
Institute of Mathematics
1M Cio³kowskiego St.
15-245 Bia³ystok

Conferences, research visits

M. Szajewska

Marzena Szajewska, Ph.D.

Department of Mathematical Physics

Laboratory of Integrable Systems

(Previous: Department of Topology and Differential Geometry)

Conferences and Talks:

  1. June 8 - 12, 2024
    XIII School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  2. July 8 - 9, 2024
    16th Symposium on Integrable Systems
    Olsztyn, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (org.)
    Talk: Geometrical aspects of Coxeter groups

  3. July 1 - 6, 2024
    XLI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  4. July 24 - 28, 2023
    12th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)
    Talk: Geometrical structures of nested polyhedra

  5. July 2 - 8, 2023
    XL Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  6. June 26 - 30, 2023
    XII School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  7. June 29 - 30, 2023
    15th Symposium on Integrable Systems
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)
    Talk: Weight multiplicities in characters

  8. March 24, 2023
    Wielowymiarowo¶æ projektowania uniwersalnego
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Wydzia³ Nauk o Edukacji, Uniwersytet w Bia³ymstoku (org.)

  9. February 09, 2023
    Towards E-Coaching, the first step to build trust with a digital coach
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Faculty of Computer Science, Bia³ystok University of Technology (org.)

  10. June 27 - July 1, 2022
    XI School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  11. June 19 - 25, 2022
    XXXIX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³ystok, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  12. June 3 - 4, 2022
    14th Symposium on Integrable Systems
    £ód¼, Poland
    University of £ód¼ (org.)
    Talk: Polyhedra vibrations

  13. April 11 - 14, 2022
    Szkolenie z zakresu projektowania uniwersalnego
    Kraków, Polska
    O¶rodek Wspierania Organizacji Pozarz±dowych w Bia³ymstoku (org.)
    (w ramach projektu "Zwiêkszenie kompetencji kadry dydaktycznej Uniwersytetu w Bia³ymstoku z zakresu projektowania uniwersalnego")

  14. March 22, 2022
    Szkolenie w zakresie projektowania uniwersalnego
    Bia³ystok, Polska
    AXON Centrum Edukacyjno-Metodyczne (org.)
    (w ramach projektu "Zwiêkszenie kompetencji kadry dydaktycznej Uniwersytetu w Bia³ymstoku z zakresu projektowania uniwersalnego")

  15. October 7 - 9, 2021
    International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS-2021)
    Surat, India
    Department of Mathematics and Humanities, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (org.)
    Talk: Mathematical methods to construct graphene

  16. June 28 - July 2, 2021
    X School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  17. July 13 - 17, 2020
    IX School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  18. July 8 - 12, 2019
    The XXVIth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)
    Talk: Indices of orbits of Coxeter groups of noncrystallographic types

  19. June 30 - July 6, 2019
    XXXVIII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  20. June 24 - 28, 2019
    VIII School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  21. July 8 - 13, 2018
    32st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group 32)
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)
    Talk: Reduction of orbits of finite Coxeter group of noncrystallographic types

  22. July 1 - 7, 2018
    XXXVII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)
    Poster: The orthogonal systems of functions on lattices of SU(n+1)

  23. June 25 - 29, 2018
    VII School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  24. July 2 - 8, 2017
    XXXVI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)
    Talk: Branching rules for non-crystallographic groups

  25. June 26 - 30, 2017
    VI School on Geometry and Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  26. June 6 - 10, 2017
    The XXVth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)

  27. June 19 - 25, 2016
    31st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group 31)
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF) (org.)
    Talk: Decomposition matrices for data sampled on the triangular lattices

  28. May 30 - June 3, 2016
    Doppler Institute - CRM Workshop on the occasion of 80th birthdays of Jiri Patera and Pavel Winternitz
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)
    Talk: Decomposition matrices for data sampled on the triangular lattices

  29. August 3 - 7, 2015
    A member of an organizing committee
    A chairman of a session at
    Symmetries of discrete systems and processes (SDSP-III)
    Decin, Czech Republic
    Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)
    Talk: Lattices of any dimension and any symmetry
    Talk: Contraction of 3D polytopes within Coxeter group symmetry

  30. June 1 - 5, 2015
    An organizer of a minisymposium: Orthogonal Polynomials of the Discrete Variables on Lattices
    A chairman of a minisymposium at
    13th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications
    Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersubrg, MD (org.)
    Talk: Lattices of any dimension and any symmetry and their refinement to any density

  31. October 13 - 19, 2014
    XVI International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (SYMPHYS-XVI)
    Dubna, Russia
    Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the International Center for Advanced Studies after A.N.Sissakian at Yerevan State University (org.)
    Talk: Symmetry breaking of fullerenes

  32. January 21, 2014
    Seminar Physique MathÂ?matique CRM, UdeM
    Montreal, Canada
    Talk: Construction of the Fullerenes C70, C80 and nanotubes by breaking of the icosahedral symmetry to a subgroup

  33. August 5 - 9, 2013
    The 8th Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries
    Mexico City, Mexico
    El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico (org.)
    Talk: Fullerenes and nanotubes by breaking the icosahedral symmetry

  34. July 15 - 19, 2013
    A member of an organizing committee
    A chairman of a session at
    Symmetries of Discrete Systems and Processes
    Decin, Czech Rep.
    Doppler Institute of the Czech Technical Institute, Prague, IM of NAS, Ukraine (org.)
    Talk: Icosahedral symmetry breaking: C60 to C78, C96 and to related nanotubes

  35. June 12 - 16, 2013
    Integrable systems and quantum symmetries
    Prague, Czech Rep.
    Department of Mathematics Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University (org.)
    Talk: Exact construction of carbon C60, C70 and nanotubes

  36. August 14 - 20, 2011
    A chairman of a session at
    Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials of Lie Groups and their Applications
    Decin, Czech Rep.
    Doppler Institute of the Czech Technical Institute, Prague, IM of NAS, Ukraine (org.)
    Talk: Discretization of the orbit functions of G2

  37. February 25 - 27, 2011
    Representation Theory and Quantization Workshop
    Toronto, Canada
    Fields Institute (org.)

  38. June 21 - 24, 2010
    Orbit functions Workshop
    Decin, Czech Rep.
    Doppler Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague (org.)
    (some info at

  39. September 22 - 27, 2007
    Autumn Student School on Mathematical Physics
    Stara Lesna, Slovakia
    FMPI Univ. Bratislava, RCQI Acad.Sci. Bratislava, FNSPE CTU Prague, Univ. Bia³ystok (org.)
    Talk: Regular family of curves in En and its properties

  40. July 1 - 7, 2007
    XXVI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  41. April 30 - May 6, 2007
    VIII Conference on Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
    Przemysl, Poland - L'viv, Ukraine, (Luxembourg-Poland-Ukraine conference)
    IM Pol. Å?ódÂ?, Faculty of Mech. & Math. of Lviv Ivan Franko Nat.l Univ., IM NASU, IM Univ. of Luxembourg (org.)
    (see also

  42. July 2 - 8, 2006
    XXV Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  43. September 5 - 10, 2005
    6-th International Conference on Geometry and Topology
    Cherkasy, Ukraine
    Min. Osw. Ukraini, Tcherkas'kyi Derzh. Techn. Univ., Tcherkas'kyi Nac. Univ., Institut Matematiki NAN Ukr., Kcharkivskyi F-TINT (org.)
    Talk: A Property of the curvature and torison of a regular family of curves in En

  44. July 4 - 22, 2005
    Summer School and Conference on Poisson Geometry
    Triest, Italy
    ICTP (org.)

  45. June 26 - July 2, 2005
    XXIV Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  46. November 8 - 20, 2004
    Differential Equations in the Geometry of Submanifolds and in Mathematical Physics
    (Research group) Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland
    Talk: Curvatures of a regular family of curves in En

  47. September 8 - 13, 2003
    5-th International Conference on Geometry and Topology in Memory of A. V. Pogorelov
    Cherkasy, Ukraine
    Min. Osw. Ukraini, Tcherkas'kyi Derzh. Techn. Univ., Tcherkas'kyi Nac. Univ., Institut Matematiki NAN Ukr., Kcharkivskyi F-TINT (org.)
    Talk: Gaussian torsion of a 2-dimensional surface defined implicitly in 4-dimensional Euclidean space

  48. June 30 - July 6, 2002
    XXI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
    Bia³owie¿a, Poland
    University of Bia³ystok (org.)

  49. November 12 - 24, 2001
    Actual Problems in the Geometry of Submanifolds
    (Research group) Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland
    Talk: Vassiliev invariant

Research visits:

  1. November/December 2019
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  2. November/December 2018
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  3. February 2018
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  4. September/October 2017
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  5. February 2017
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  6. November/December 2016
    Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
  7. October 2016
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  8. September - November 2015
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  9. March 2015
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  10. October 2014
    Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
  11. February - March 2011
    CRM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada