Chair of Mathematical Physics

Parent unit
Head dr hab. Alina Dobrogowska, prof. UwB p/o
Secretary dr Marzena Szajewska
  1. Department of Geometrical Methods in Physics
  2. Laboratory of Integrable Systems
  1. dr hab. Alina Dobrogowska, prof. UwB
  2. dr Tomasz Goliński
  3. dr Grzegorz Jakimowicz
  4. dr Aneta Sliżewska
  5. dr Marzena Szajewska
  6. mgr Elwira Wawreniuk
  7. mgr Karolina Wojciechowicz
Rooms 2025, 2031, 3020, 3022, 3024, 3027
Phones 85 738 - 8293, 8295, 8297, 8318, 8328, 8334
Web page
Seminar Friday 9:45 - 11:15
Scientific research

  • Czech Technical University, Prague
  • Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne
  • Departamento de Fisica, Cinvestav, Mexico City
  • Steklov Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow
  • Moscow Humanitarian University, Moscow
  • Warsaw University, Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics (KMMF), Warszawa
  • University of Sheffield, Sheffield
  • University of Manchester, Manchester
  • University of Laughborough, Laughborough