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pn. - czw.: 8:00 - 15:30
pt.: 8:00 - 14:00
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pn., wt., śr.: 9:00 - 15:30
pt.: 9:00 - 14:00
85 738 8284
85 738 8313
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Realizacja zadań badawczych w ramach projektu NCN Weave-Unisono (we współpracy z Instytutem Matematyki Uniwersytetu Karola w Pradze) pt. „Kwantowa geometryczna teoria reprezentacji i rozwłóknienia nieprzemienne”.
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Seminaria w jednostkach
Quantum circuit complexity for linearly polarised light
Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Université Paris Cité
2024-12-13 godz. 9:45 - 11:15
I present a form of quantum circuit complexity that extends to open systems. To
illustrate the methodology, I focus on a basic model where the projective Hilbert
space of states is depicted by the set of orientations in the Euclidean plane.
Specifically, I investigate the dynamics of mixed quantum states as they undergo
interactions with a sequence of gates. This approach involves the analysis of
sequences of real 2X2 density matrices. Such a mathematical model is physically
exemplified by the Stokes density matrices, which delineate the linear polarisation of
a quasi-monochromatic light beam, and the gates, which are viewed as quantum
polarisers, whose states are also real 2X2 density matrices. The interaction between
polariser-linearly polarised light is construed à la Von Neumann within the context of
this quantum formalism. Each density matrix for the light evolves in a way
analogous to a Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan (GKLS) process during the
time interval between consecutive gates. Notably, when considering an upper limit
for accuracy, it is shown that the optimal number of gates follows a power-law
From a submitted article co-authored by E. Curado A. Maioli, D. Noguera (CBPF,
Rio), S. Faci (UFF, Rio), T. Koide (UFRJ, Rio).
Generalized Ridge Theorem
mgr Krzysztof Bardadyn
2024-12-13 godz. 13:15
dr Marta Nowakowska, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
2025-01-15 godz. 11:30 - 13:00
Ostatnio wydane publikacje
M. Pankov, K. Petelczyc, M. Żynel
Point-line geometries related to binary equidistant codes
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 210 (2025), 1-30.
T. Goliński, A. B. Tumpach
Geometry of Integrable Systems Related to the Restricted Grassmannian
Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 20 (2024), 1-18.
T. Brzeziński, M. Hryniewicka
Translation Hopf algebras and Hopf heaps
Algebr. Representat. Theor. 27 (2024), 1805-1819.
M. Woronowicz
O grupach addytywnych pierścieni Hamiltona
Perspektywy rozwoju w naukach inżynieryjno-technicznych – trendy, innowacje i wyzwania (P. Pomajda, M. Świtalski Ed(s).), vol. 1, Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGIEL sp. z o.o., Lublin, Polska, 2024, pp. 277-302.
T. Brzeziński
Special Normalised Affine Matrices: An Example of a Lie Affgebra
Geometric Methods in Physics XL, Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, 2023, (P. Kielanowski, D. Beltita, A. Dobrogowska, T. Goliński et al. Ed(s).), Trends in Mathematics , (publ. by) Birkhauser Verlag, 2024, pp. 115-125.