J. Diblik, M. Růžičková
Vanishing and blow-up solutions to a class of nonlinear complex differential equations near the singular point
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 13 (2024), no. 1, 1-44.
I. Dzhalladova, M. Růžičková
Construction of an equation for determining the boundary of the instability region of the pendulum model under uncertainty at parametric resonance
AIP Conf. Proc. 3094 (2024), no. 1, 1-4.
M. Růžičková, I. Dzhalladova, O. Kaminsky, O. Bartash, A. Pavlov
AI and LLM Models to Analyze and Identify Сybersecurity Incidents
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3746 (2024), 115-123.