University in Bialystok
Faculty of Mathematics
Ciołkowskiego 1M
15-267 Białystok


E-mail Me:
B. K. Kwaśniewski


Bartosz Kosma Kwaśniewski - Associate Professor

I am the Head of Laboratory of Functional Analysis. If you want to meet me, visit my headquarters:

Faculty of Mathematics
Ciołkowskiego 1M
15-267 Białystok
room 3016

Or contact me via e-mail.


Operator algebras and non-commutative dynamics: Fell bundles, product systems, Cuntz-Pimsner algebras, Doplicher-Roberts algebras, crossed products by completely positive maps, endomorphisms (and semigroups of thereof), uniqueness theorems, topological freeness, spectral and ergodic properties of abstract functional operators

For more detailed description see my Habilitation Report:
Structure of C*-algebras defined by relations of dynamic type


Academic employment:

2018 - ... Associate Professor, University of Bialystok
2014-2016 Post doc, IMADA, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
2013/2014 Assistant Professor, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
2009 - 2018 Assistant Professor, University of Bialystok
2003 - 2009 Assistant, University of Bialystok


Research Projects:

2024 National Science Centre WEAVE-UNISONO
Quantum Geometric Representation Theory and Noncommutative Fibrations
2023/05/Y/ST1/00046, head of the project: Tomasz Brzezinski
2020 National Science Centre (head of the project)
Noncommutative dynamics and Cartan C*-subalgebras: their generalizations, properties and applications 2019/35/B/ST1/02684
2016 National Science Centre
Geometric, probabilistic and analytic theory of topological quantum groups and its links with operator algebras 2014/14/E/ST1/00525
2014 Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) UE
Operator algebras and single operators via dynamical properties of dual objects'' (OperaDynaDual) # FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF, No. 621724
2011 National Science Centre (head of the project)
Structure of C*-algebras defined by relations, spectral and ergodic properties of operators generating dynamical systems DEC-2011/01/D/ST1/04112
2011 National Science Centre
Analysis of constructions and structures arising in investigation of C*-dynamical systems DEC-2011/01/B/ST1/03838
2009 Sixth Framework Programme of the EU
TODEQ: Operator Theory methods for Differential Equations
2008 Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Operator algebras generated by dynamical systems: spectral, asymptotic and entropic characteristics # N N201 382634



2018 Hab. degree.
Thesis: Structure of C*-algebras defined by relations of dynamic type
2009 Ph. D. degree.
Thesis: Spectral analysis of operators generating irreversible dynamical systems
Supervisor: Prof. A. V. Lebedev
2003 Master's degree.
Thesis: Spectral and algebraic properties of non-local operators
Supervisor: Prof. A. V. Lebedev
2002 Bachelor's degree.
Thesis: On existence of stochastic processes - Kolmogorov Theorem
Supervisor: Dr. J. Kotowicz


Teaching experience:

Functional analysis, stochastic processes, probability theory, measure and integration theory, bounded operators in Hilbert spaces, operators in Lp spaces, Analysis in Lp spaces, Banach lattices, C*-algebras and K-theory, C*-algebras and dynamical systems, ergodic theory, topology, linear algebra, Banach geometry of arbitrage free markets, mathematics (for chemistry students)

Analiza funkcjonalna (notatki z wykładu) Lecture notes on Functional Analysis (in Polish)

Practical classess:
Functional analysis, complex analysis, mathematical analysis, measure and integration theory, probability theory, stochastic processes, topology, differential equations, differential manifolds, bounded operators in Hilbert spaces, unbounded operators in Hilbert spaces, operator algebras in Hilbert spaces, C*-algebras and K-theory, Analysis in Lp spaces, Banach lattices, Lie algebras and Lie groups, Clifford algebras and Spin groups, character theory, mathematics in English, mathematics (for chemistry students) and computer labs

Thesis supervision for master's degree:
  1. "Partial isometries on Lp spaces" by Kordian Czyzewski (2021), second prize in J. Marcinkiewicz competition Częściowe izometrie w przestrzeniacj Lp (pdf in Polish)
  2. "General Radon-Nikodym Theorem and its applications" by Lukasz Stepkowski (2021), Ogólne twierdzenie Radona-Nikodyma i jego zastosowania (pdf in Polish)
  3. "Spectral radius of Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator" by Sonia Gazeau (2020), with honours Promień spektralny operatora (pdf in Polish) Ruelle’a-Perrona-Frobeniusa
  4. "Actions of C*-corresondences on C*-algebras" by Krzysztof Bardadyn (2018), with honours Działania C*-korespondencji na C*-algebrach (pdf in Polish)
  5. "On properties and applications of copulas" by Magdalena Dabrowska (2018), with honours (main supervisor dr Urszula Ostaszewska)
  6. "K-theory of Cuntz-Krieger algebras and crossed products by endomorphisms" by Zofia Grabowiecka (2013), formal supervisor A. V. Lebedev

Thesis supervision for bachelor's degree:
  1. "Analysis of circular and elliptic functions based on differential equations" by Sonia Gazeau (2018)
  2. "Abstract theory of Lyapunov exponents" by Ewelina Druzba (2013)
  3. "Topological entropy of classical dynamical systems" by Beata Klinicka (2013)
  4. "All around the Bernoulli scheme" by Izabela Antoszczuk (2013)
  5. "Perron-Frobenius theorem and its application in Leontiev model" by Joanna Kokot (2013)
  6. "Various types of convergence of random variables" by Sylwia Grzegorczyk (2013)
  7. "Entropy and limit theorems" by Justyna Lebowska (2012)
  8. "In search of optimal code" by Ewelina Kropiewnicka (2012)
  9. "Second law of thermodynamics in Markov chains" by Magdalena Damiecka (2012)
  10. "Geometrical characterisation of stock-markets admiting no arbitration" by Kamil Szatylowicz (2011)
  11. "Snake-like irreducible continua" by Mateusz Aniserowicz (2011)
  12. "Fundamental theorem of the theory of expectional utility -- von Neumann-Morgenstern representation" by Edyta Szczucińska (2011)
  13. "Optimal prediction problem -- nonlinear regression" by Weronika Wasilewska (2011)
  14. "Equivalence of matrix represented games and linear programming problem" by Joanna Zarzecka (2011)
  15. "Entropy - quantitative measure of information" by Monika Kaczorowska (2010)
  16. "Ecological models of Lotka-Volterra type" by Paulina Jarczewska (2010)

Article supervision:
Krzysztof Bardadyn Twierdzenie Coburna (pdf in Polish) Oblicze 2017, KNM UAM, p. 17-25
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